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  • Safer Internet Day on Tuesday 6th February

    Tue 23 Jan 2018 Mr. Matthews

    On Tuesday 6th February, we will be taking part in a global Safer Internet Day.

    We take staying safe online very seriously, so there are lessons throughout the year for children across school. At Ashleigh, our filtering software is a huge help in keeping children safe, but children's understanding of what to do if something feels wrong, is just as important.

    Check out our web page which has lots more information and links to explore

  • New school app launches

    Thu 18 Jan 2018 Mr. Matthews

    Great news, our school app launched this week!


    We sent home an app parental overview which hopefully explained what to do with it.


    Going forwards, we will be using the app to send group communications home, rather than texts. There will be a period of time where we continue to send texts, as well as messages via the app This is so that parents have time to download it and start using it. So please forgive us if for a month or two you hear about things twice!


    The app reflects what is on the school website. The added benefit to it, rather than just using a mobile version of the website, is the messaging system. There will be a long list of groups you can choose to receive notifications from, e.g. football, netball, Young Voices, library etc. Additionally, each class will have their own separate group, which will allow teachers to send messages which are only relevant to their class.

  • Happy New Year

    Mon 08 Jan 2018 Mr. Matthews
    Welcome back to school after the Christmas break. We hope you all had a lovely festive period, and  you're probably looking forwards to sunnier warmer weather. Before that arrives, keep watching the website (and school app very soon) for any updates regarding snow and school. Although it is unlikely we will close due to inclement weather, there's always a slim chance it could happen.