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Remote Learning - adverse weather. 


Please see below suggested activities for home learning due to the snow. 



1. Can you write your name in the snow using a stick or even your finger?

2. Make a snowman and give him 10 buttons, count them carefully. 

3. Collect some snow in a pot and bring it indoors. Watch what happens to the snow. Talk about how it changes. 

4. Look for some footprints in the snow. Can you see where people have been walking? What about animals such as birds, cats and dogs too!

5. Go on a sledge, have a snowball fight and make some snow angels! Have lots of fun!




Choose some of the suggested lessons for our current focus, addition and subtraction.

Year 1 -

Reception -



How many adjectives (describing words) can you think of to describe the snow outside? 


Can you write a sentence using your adjectives to describe the snow?


Link to Oak Academy - plenty of lessons to keep you busy!





Homework will be given in the children's green 'going home' books for Reception or in a Year 1 homework book. Tasks will often relate to the weekly topic/learning and be presented in a grid. Try to complete as many as possible in the half term. Homework books will be checked weekly. Please continue to read with your child as part of their homework too. 




Year 1 children will receive a spelling list each week (on a Friday) with words to be learnt for the following Friday. They will be tested on these words each week. If you can, try to practise reading and spelling the words. Spelling lists will go home after the October half term. 




Please send your child's reading book into school every day.  We will usually change reading books on a Friday.  Children’s reading skills improve enormously when they read regularly at home. Throughout the week in school, children will read with an adult through guided reading, shared reading or 1:1 reading. We appreciate it when parents sign their child’s reading record with any feedback. 




