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Home Reading

We are beginning to send home reading books from May 2021.

Because of the need to quarantine books safely, we will only be sending new books home on Fridays.

Children should return books to school before Wednesday when they will be quarantined and new books will be sent home on Friday.

If books are returned on the Thursday or Friday, they will need to be quarantined before being changed. Therefore, a new book will not be issued until the following Friday.

There is nothing wrong with your child reading the same book more than once in a week as it will develop more fluent reading.





There will be online reading books set for your child in addition to the physical books they will bring home each night. To access the online books, visit Bug Club. Your child will be given a login. If you do not have it, contact me using the form on the Frogs' Page and I will send it to you.


We are also using Read Theory to help promote comprehension skills with the children. It is an American website, so take care with some of the spellings. Try to point out Americanisms to your child as you read it together.
