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Autumn Term 2022

Autumn 1 - Inter-nation Media Station

English - We are reading Meerkat Mail and How to hide a lion. We will write diary entries, non-chronological reports and newspaper reports. We will be looking at what a sentence is and practicing putting capital letters and full stops in the correct places as well as ensuring correctly formed letters.  Our class text is Freddie's amazing bakery. 

Home reading books will be changed on Mondays. Please make sure that reading books are in school daily as we will be reading with small groups throughout the week.  

Phonics - We have started Twinkl phonics level 6 and are recapping some Level 5 sounds. 

Maths - We will be ensuring we know our numbers upto 100 including writing the number words, finding 1 more and 1 less, counting forwards and backwards. We will be looking at place value and ensuring we know how many tens and how many ones are in numbers upto 100.  We will be adding and subtracting using numbers to 20 including missing number calculations e.g. 5 + ? = 9. We will be learning our number bonds to 10 and then 20.

In Science we are looking at living things and their habitats. 

In PE we are will be practicing our skills with bats and balls.  Our PE days are Wednesdays and Thursdays and children should come in their PE clothes. 

In History we are looking at Life before television and comparing it to modern day media. 

In DT and Art we will be creating our own self portraits as well as designing and making a doll's t-shirt. We are also looking at the artist Theresa Elvin and the use of colour pops. 

In RE we are looking at how we should care for others and why does it matter?

In ICT the children will be learning about staying safe online and coding. 





