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Things to remember


Homework will be handed out on Friday.


Spelling tests are on Fridays. Weekly lists can be found in the homework section of the Frogs webpages. Groupings are reviewed regularly and children can be moved up or down. The spellings will get harder as the year goes on. To aid their learning, we recommend that your child looks, covers, writes then checks each word.


Try to do this daily. Please sign the reading record daily, even if it is a book from home that your child has read to you. Listen to your child read for around 10 minutes and then talk about what they have just read. 


Every Monday & Friday. If your child has earrings, please make sure that they can take them out for PE. If they can’t take them out then please remove them before school or send your child to school with plasters to cover their ears. Your child should come to school in their P.E. kit. If the weather is colder, your child can wear jogging/tracksuit bottoms and a school jumper or cardigan. They must, however continue to wear their school P.E. t-shirts.


Books will need to be returned on Thursday mornings.


All children need to bring a water bottle to school to keep in class. It must have a pull up drinking cap on it. They will be sent home daily to be washed. Please return these every day. Children who bring packed lunches need to bring a separate drink to keep in the lunchbox.

